Mountainous weather table

2d6 result:
Gale Force Winds

The wind is unbelievably strong, making passing play impossible and even affecting the kick-off! Whilst this weather condition is in effect, ignore Step 2 of the Start of Drive sequence – it is not possible for a kick-off to be resolved and a touchback is automatically caused instead. Additionally, whilst this weather condition is in effect, no Pass actions or Throw Team-mate actions can be performed.

2d6 result:
Very Sunny

A glorious day, but the clear skies and bright sunlight interfere with the passing game! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s rather chilly and it’s threatening to rain (or snow), but considering the time of year, the conditions are almost perfect for Blood Bowl.

2d6 result:

Freezing conditions and heavy falls of snow make the footing treacherous. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.

2d6 result:
Ice Storm

It is extremely cold, so cold in fact that it is raining literal lumps of ice! The ice on the pitch is so treacherous that none of the players are willing to hurry, no matter how much their coach shouts! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, all players on the pitch subtract 1 from their MA.