Colleges of Magic

Qty Type Cost Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills and Traits Primary Secondary
0-16 Linemen 70,000 Dwarf Blocker Linemen 4 3 4+ 5+ 10+ Block, Tackle, Thick Skull GS A
15,000 Gnoblar Linemen 5 1 3+ 5+ 6+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Sidestep, Stunty, Titchy A G
50,000 Khorne Marauder Linemen 6 3 3+ 4+ 8+ Frenzy GM AS
0-2 Runners 85,000 Dwarf Runner 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Sure Hands, Thick Skull GP AS
0-2 Blitzers 80,000 Dwarf Blitzers 5 3 3+ 4+ 10+ Block, Thick Skull GS AP
0-2 Special 95,000 Dwarf Troll Slayers 5 3 4+ - 9+ Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull GS AP
0-3 Big Guys 140,000 Ogre Blocker 5 5 4+ 5+ 10+ Bone Head, Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate S AGP
145,000 Ogre Punter 5 5 4+ 4+ 10+ Bone Head, Kick Team-mate, Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull PS AG
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each
Bright Wizard: 100,000 gold pieces
Qty Type Cost Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills and Traits Primary Secondary
0-16 Linemen 70,000 Dark Elf Linemen 6 3 2+ 4+ 9+ None AG S
50,000 Skaven Linemen 7 3 3+ 4+ 8+ None G AMS
40,000 Goblin Linemen 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A GPS
40,000 Gnome Linemen 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Jump Up, Right Stuff, Stunty, Wrestle A GS
0-4 Runners 85,000 Gutter Runner 9 2 2+ 4+ 8+ Dodge AG MPS
80,000 Dark Elf Runner 7 3 2+ 3+ 8+ Dump-Off AGP S
50,000 Woodland Fox 7 2 2+ - 6+ Dodge, My Ball, Sidestep, Stunty - A
0-2 Blitzers 100,000 Dark Elf Blitzer 7 3 2+ 4+ 9+ Block AG PS
90,000 Skaven Blitzer 7 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Block GS AMP
0-2 Throwers 85,000 Skaven Thrower 7 3 3+ 2+ 8+ Pass, Sure Hands GP AMS
50,000 Gnome Illusionist 5 2 3+ 3+ 7+ Jump Up, Stunty, Trickster, Wrestle AP G
0-2 Special 110,000 Dark Elf Witch Elf 7 3 2+ 5+ 8+ Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up AG PS
85,000 Dark Elf Assassin 7 3 2+ 5+ 8+ Shadowing, Stab AG PS
55,000 Gnome Beastmaster 5 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Guard, Jump Up, Stunty, Wrestle A GS
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each
Grey Wizard: 100,000 gold pieces
Qty Type Cost Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills and Traits Primary Secondary
0-16 Linemen 45,000 Goblin Bruiser Linemen 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull A GPS
50,000 Orc Linemen 5 3 3+ 4+ 10+ Animosity (Orc Linemen) G AS
50,000 Human Linemen 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ None G AS
0-4 Blitzers 80,000 Orc Blitzer 6 3 3+ 4+ 10+ Animosity (All Team-mates), Block GS AP
85,000 Human Blitzer 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Block GS AP
0-2 Throwers 65,000 Orc Thrower 5 3 3+ 3+ 9+ Animosity (All Team-mates), Pass, Sure Hands GP AS
0-6 Blockers 90,000 Black Orc 4 4 4+ 5+ 10+ Brawler, Grab GS AP
90,000 Big Un Blocker 5 4 4+ - 10+ Animosity (Big Un Blockers) GS A
90,000 Nobility Bodyguard 6 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Stand Firm, Wrestle GS A
110,000 Khorne Bloodseeker 5 4 4+ 6+ 10+ Frenzy GMS A
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each
Gold Wizard: 100,000 gold pieces
Qty Type Cost Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills and Traits Primary Secondary
0-16 Linemen 60,000 Elven Union Linemen 6 3 2+ 4+ 8+ None AG S
45,000 Nobility Linemen 6 3 4+ 4+ 8+ Fend G AS
0-4 Runners 100,000 Elven Union Catcher 8 3 2+ 4+ 8+ Catch, Nerves of Steel AG S
65,000 Human Catcher 8 2 3+ 5+ 8+ Catch, Dodge AG SP
0-2 Blitzers 115,000 Elven Union Blitzer 7 3 2+ 3+ 9+ Block, Sidestep AG PS
0-2 Throwers 75,000 Elven Union Thrower 6 3 2+ 2+ 8+ Pass AGP S
75,000 Nobility Thrower 6 3 3+ 3+ 9+ Pass, Running Pass GP AS
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each
Light Wizard: 100,000 gold pieces
Qty Type Cost Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills and Traits Primary Secondary
0-16 Linemen 40,000 Skeleton Linemen 5 3 4+ 6+ 8+ Regeneration, Thick Skull G AS
40,000 Zombie Linemen 4 3 4+ - 9+ Regeneration G AS
40,000 Thrall Linemen 6 3 3+ 4+ 8+ None G AS
0-4 Blitzers 95,000 Necromantic Wraith 6 3 3+ - 9+ Block, Foul Appearance, No Hands, Regeneration, Sidestep GS A
90,000 Undead Wight Blitzer 6 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Block, Regeneration GS AP
110,000 Vampire Blitzer 6 4 2+ 5+ 9+ Bloodlust (3+), Hypnotic Gaze, Juggernaut, Regeneration AGS -
0-4 Runners 75,000 Ghoul 7 3 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge AG PS
100,000 Vampire Runner 8 3 2+ 4+ 8+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration AG PS
0-2 Throwers 110,000 Vampire Thrower 6 4 2+ 2+ 9+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic Gaze, Pass, Regeneration AGP S
0-4 Blockers 115,000 Necromantic Flesh Golem 4 4 4+ - 10+ Regeneration, Stand Firm, Thick Skull GS A
0-2 Big Guys 75,000 Undead Mummy 3 5 5+ - 10+ Mighty Blow (+1), Regeneration S AG
150,000 Vargheist 5 5 4+ - 10+ Bloodlust (3+), Claws, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Regeneration S AG
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each
Amethyst Wizard: 100,000 gold pieces
Qty Type Cost Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills and Traits Primary Secondary
0-16 Linemen 30,000 Halfling Hopeful Linemen 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A GS
35,000 Rotter Linemen 5 3 4+ 6+ 9+ Decay, Plague Ridden GM AS
15,000 Snotling Linemen 5 1 3+ 5+ 6+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Sidestep, Stunty, Swarming, Titchy A G
70,000 Wood Elf Linemen 7 3 2+ 4+ 8+ None AG S
0-4 Runners 20,000 Stilty Runner 6 1 3+ 5+ 6+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Sidestep, Sprint, Stunty A G
55,000 Halfling Catcher 5 2 3+ 5+ 7+ Catch, Dodge, Right Stuff, Sprint, Stunty A GS
90,000 Wood Elf Catcher 8 2 2+ 4+ 8+ Catch, Dodge AG PS
0-2 Blitzers 125,000 Wood Elf Wardancer 8 3 2+ 4+ 8+ Block, Dodge, Leap AG PS
0-2 Throwers 95,000 Wood Elf Thrower 7 3 2+ 2+ 8+ Pass AGP S
0-4 Blockers 50,000 Halfling Hefty 5 2 3+ 3+ 8+ Dodge, Fend, Stunty AP GS
115,000 Nurgle Bloater 4 4 4+ 6+ 10+ Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Plague Ridden, Regeneration GMS A
0-4 Special 30,000 Snotling Fungas Flinga 5 1 3+ 4+ 6+ Bombardier, Dodge, Right Stuff, Secret Weapon, Sidestep, Stunty AP G
20,000 Snotling Fun-Hoppa 6 1 3+ 5+ 6+ Dodge, Pogo Stick, Right Stuff, Sidestep, Stunty A G
0-2 Big Guys 120,000 Treeman 2 6 5+ 5+ 11+ Mighty Blow (+1), Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Take Root, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate, Timmm-ber! S AGP
115,000 Trained Troll 4 5 5+ 5+ 10+ Always Hungry, Loner (3+), Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate S AGP
140,000 Rotspawn 4 5 5+ - 10+ Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Plague Ridden, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Tentacles S AGM
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each
Jade Wizard: 100,000 gold pieces
Qty Type Cost Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills and Traits Primary Secondary
0-16 Linemen 60,000 Beastmen Runner Linemen 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Horns GMS AP
0-2 Runners 125,000 Necromantic Werewolf 8 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Claws, Frenzy, Regeneration AG PS
0-4 Blitzers 75,000 Nurgle Pestigor 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Horns, Plague Ridden, Regeneration GMS AP
70,000 Khorne Khorngor 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Horns, Juggernaut GMS AP
0-4 Blockers 100,000 Chaos Chosen Blocker 5 4 3+ 5+ 10+ None GMS A
105,000 Ulfwerener 6 4 4+ - 9+ Frenzy GS A
0-2 Special 20,000 Beer Boar 5 1 3+ - 6+ Dodge, No HAnds, Pick-me-up, Stunty, Titchy - -
0-3 Big Guys 150,000 Minotaur 5 5 4+ - 9+ Loner (4+), Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Unchannelled Fury MS AG
140,000 Kroxigor 6 5 5+ - 10+ Bone Head, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull S AG
150,000 Rat Ogre 6 5 4+ - 9+ Animal Savagery, Loner (4+), Frenzy, Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail S AGM
160,000 Bloodspawn 5 5 4+ - 9+ Unchanneled Fury, Loner (4+), Frenzy, Claws, Mighty Blow (+1) MS AG
140,000 Yhetee 5 5 4+ - 9+ Unchanneled Fury, Loner (4+), Frenzy, Claws, Disturbing Presence S AG
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each
Amber Wizard: 100,000 gold pieces
Qty Type Cost Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills and Traits Primary Secondary
0-16 Linemen 60,000 Skink Runner Linemen 8 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Stunty A GPS
50,000 Norse Raider Linemen 6 3 3+ 4+ 8+ Block, Drunkard G AS
50,000 Eagle Warrior Linewomen 6 3 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge G AS
0-4 Blitzers 90,000 Norse Berserker 6 3 3+ 5+ 8+ Block, Frenzy, Jump Up GS AP
105,000 Nobility Blitzer 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Block, Catch AG PS
90,000 Piranha Warrior Blitzers 7 3 3+ 5+ 8+ Dodge, Hit and Run, Jump Up AG PS
0-2 Throwers 80,000 Human Thrower 6 3 3+ 2+ 9+ Pass, Sure Hands GP AS
80,000 Python Warrior Throwers 6 3 3+ 3+ 8+ Dodge, On the Ball, Pass, Safe Pass GP AS
0-6 Blockers 85,000 Saurus Blocker 6 4 5+ 6+ 10+ None GS A
110,000 Jaguar Warrior Blockers 6 4 3+ 5+ 9+ Defensive, Dodge GS A
0-2 Special 70,000 Chameleon Skink 7 2 3+ 3+ 8+ Dodge, On The Ball, Shadowing, Stunty A GPS
95,000 Valkyrie 7 3 3+ 3+ 8+ Catch, Dauntless, Pass, Strip Ball AGP S
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each
Celestial Wizard: 100,000 gold pieces