
Big Hand
This player may ignore any modifier(s) for being marked or for Pouring Rain weather conditions when they attempt to pick up the ball.
When you make an armour roll against an opposition player that was Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by this player, a roll of 8+ before applying any modifiers will break their armour, regardless of their actual Armour Value.

Q: Can a player with both the Claws and Mighty Blow ( +X) skills use them together to allow them to break an opposition player's armour on less than 8+ provided by the Claws skill? (p.78 & 80)
A: No.

Q: If a player has both the Mighty Blow (+X) skill and the Claws trait, they cannot use the Mighty Blow (+X) skill to modify the Armour roll due to Claws, but can they still use it to modify the Injury roll? (p.80)
A: Yes.

Disturbing Presence*
When an opposition player performs either a Pass action, a Throw Team-mate action or a Throw Bomb Special action, or attempts to either interfere with a pass or to catch the ball, they must apply a -1 modifier to the test for each player on your team with this Skill that is within three squares of them, even if the player with this Skill is prone, Stunned or has lost their Tackle Zone.
Extra Arms
This player may apply +1 modifier when they attempt to pick up or catch the ball, or when they attempt to interfere with a pass.
Foul Appearance*
When an opposition player declares a Block action targeting this player (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), or any Special actions that targets this player, their coach must firs roll a D6, even if this player has lost their Tackle Zone. On a roll of 1, the player cannot perform the declared action and the action is wasted. This Skill may still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Q: If a player with the Foul Appearance skill is chosen as the target of a Blitz action, when do they roll to see if the action is wasted? (p.78)
A: As soon as the Blitz action is declared. This will mean that, if they fail, they will lose their entire action and will be unable to make either the Move action or Block action as part of the Blitz action.

Q: If a player with a Trait that requires them to roll a dice to see if they can activate normally (such as Bone Head or Unchanneled Fury) and wishes to declare a player with either the Foul Appearance or Dump-off skills as the target of an action, do they roll for their Trait or for the opposing player’s Skill first? (p.78 & 79)
A: The player will first nominate the target of their action, then roll for their Trait, and then the opposing player will use their Skill.

When the player performs a Block action as part of a Blitz action (but not on its own), you may apply a +1 modifier to this player's Strength characteristic. This modifier is applied before counting assists, before applying any other Strength modifiers and before using any other Skills or Traits.
Iron Hard Skin
The Claws skill cannot be used when making an armour roll against this player. This Skill may still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Q: If a player with an AV of 8+ (or worse) randomly gains the Iron Hard Skin skill, does this count as them gaining a Skill they cannot use as the Skill will have no effect? (p.74)
A: Yes. They may re-roll.

Monstrous Mouth
This player may re-roll any failed attempt to catch the ball. In addition, the Strip Ball skill cannot be used against this player.

Q: What happens if a player already has the Catch skill or the Monstrous Mouth skill and randomly rolls the other Skill? (p.75 & 78)
A: If a player has the Monstrous Mouth skill and subsequently rolls the Catch skill, then they should re-roll. If a player has the Catch skill and subsequently rolls the Monstrous Mouth skill, then they may not re-roll, as the Monstrous Mouth skill provides an additional benefit.

Prehensile Tail
When an active opposition player attempts to Dodge, Jump or Leap in order to vacate a square in which they are being Marked by this player, there is an additional -1 modifier applied to the active player's Agility test. If the opposition player is being Marked by more than one player with this Mutation, only one player may use it.
This player can use this Skill when an opposition player they are Marking voluntarily moves out of a square within this player's Tackle Zone. Roll a D6, adding the ST of this player to the roll and then subtracting the ST of the opposition player. If the result is 6 or higher, or if the roll is a natural 6, the opposition player is held firmly in place and their movement comes to an end. If, however, the result is 5 or lower, or if the roll is a natural 1, this Skill has no further effect. A player may use this Skill any number or times per turn, during either team's turn. If an opposition player is being Marked by more than one player with this Skill, only one player may use it.
Two Heads
This player may apply a +1 modifier to the Agility test when they attempt to Dodge.
Very Long Legs
This player may reduce any negative modifier applied to the Agility test when they attempt to Jump over a Prone or Stunned player (or to Leap over an empty square or a square occupied by a Standing player, if this player has the Leap Skill) by 1, to a minimum 0f -1. Additionally, this player may apply a +2 modifier to any attempts to interfere with a pass they make. Finally this player ignores the Cloud Burster skill.