weather table

2d6 result:
Sweltering Heat

Some players faint in the unbearable heat! D3 randomly selected players from each team that are on the pitch whena a drive ends are placed in the Reserves box. They must miss the next drive

Q: When the Sweltering Heat result is rolled on the Weather table, is a single D3 rolled to determine the number of players from each team affected, or do both coaches roll a separate D3? (p.37)
A: A single D3 is rolled and the same result is applied to each team.

2d6 result:
Very Sunny

A gloriuos day, but the clear skies and bright sunlight interfere with the passing game! Apply -1 modifier every time a player tests against their passing Ability

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions

Neither to o cold nor too hot. A warm, dry and slightly overcast day provides perfect conditions to Blood Bowl.

2d6 result:
Pouring Rain

A torrential downpour leaves te players soaked and the ball very slippery! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick-up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass.

2d6 result:

Freezing conditions and heavy falls of snow make the footing treacherous. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.

2d6 result:
Morning Dew

The pitch is dew-covered from the cold of night, making everything a little slippery. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to pick up the ball.

2d6 result:
Blossoming Flowers

The flowers are blooming, the tree sap is pumping and the pollen count is high, forcing the hay fever-afflicted referee to seek shelter indoors. Whilst this weather condition is in effect, players cannot be Sent-off for committing a Foul, even if they roll a natural double on either the Armour roll or the Injury roll.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s not quite warm but then again, it’s not quite cold – ideal weather for a game of Blood Bowl!

2d6 result:
Misty Morning

A haze of thick mist has descended upon the pitch, greatly reducing visibility. Players can move only a maximum of six squares, although they may still Rush as normal. Additionally, only Quick and Short pass actions can be performed

2d6 result:
High Winds

The winds are whistling through the stadium and the players can barely hear each other. Roll a D6 each time a player on your team wishes to use a team re-roll. On a roll of 2+, you may use a team re-roll as normal. On a 1, a team re-roll cannot be used.

2d6 result:
Sweltering Heat

Some players faint in the unbearable heat! D3 randomly selected players from each team that are on the pitch when a drive ends are placed in the Reserves box. They must miss the next drive.

2d6 result:
Melting Astrogranite

It’s not just the players that are affected by the hot weather – even the pitch is melting! It might be the heat, or it might be the sticky footing, but the players are certainly struggling to move! The number of squares a player can attempt to Rush is reduced by one (to a minimum of one).

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s still hot, but not as hot as it has been lately! A (tolerably) warm, dry and slightly overcast day provides perfect conditions for Blood Bowl.

2d6 result:
Blinding Rays

No cloud cover in the clear, blue skies and the relentless glare of the sun leaves the players squinting and shading their eyes. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability. Additionally, only Quick and Short pass actions can be performed.

2d6 result:

A sudden burst of torrential rain and high winds hits the pitch, making the ball slippery and erratic. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass. Additionally, when the ball scatters, it moves from the square in which it was placed four times before landing, rather than the usual three.

2d6 result:
Leaf-strewn Pitch

Huge drifts of leaves have piled up at regular intervals across the pitch. It looks terrible, but they’re soft to land on! When a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down, the coach of the opposing team must apply a -1 modifier when making an Armour roll against them.

2d6 result:
Autumnal Chill

Winter is fast approaching and players are reluctant to leave the comfortable warmth of the dugout. During the End of Drive sequence, apply a -1 modifier when rolling to see if a player recovers from being KO’d.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s not quite warm, but then again it’s not quite cold – ideal Blood Bowl weather! A pleasant autumn afternoon provides perfect conditions for Blood Bowl.

2d6 result:
Pouring Rain

A torrential downpour leaves the players soaked and the ball very slippery! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass.

2d6 result:
Strong Winds

If it wasn’t for the winds, it would be a lovely day. The ball does not deviate normally. Instead, after placing the kick, the coach of the kicking team rolls a D8 to determine the direction in which the wind is blowing:

  • 1-2 Towards the kicking team’s End Zone.
  • 3-4 Towards the receiving team’s End Zone.
  • 5-6 Towards the Sideline to the left of the kicking team.
  • 7-8 Towards the Sideline to the right of the kicking team.

Next, place the Throw-in template over the square in which the kick was placed, with the central arrow (3-4) pointing in the direction in which the wind is blowing. The kick then deviates in a direction determined by rolling a D6 and referring to the Throw-in template. Additionally, the number of squares the ball moves is determined by rolling a D8, rather than a D6.

2d6 result:
Cold Winds

The fans are shivering in the stands as a viciously cold wind blows steadily down the pitch. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability. Players also find it harder to get motivated and get back on the pitch. Additionally, during Step 2 of the End of Drive sequence, apply a -1 modifier when rolling to see if any player in the Knockedout box recovers.

2d6 result:

A sudden cold snap turns the ground as hard as granite (and not the ‘astro’ variety that players are used to). When a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down, the coach of the opposing team must apply a +1 modifier when making an Armour roll against them.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s rather chilly and it’s threatening to rain (or snow), but considering the time of year, the conditions are almost perfect for Blood Bowl.

2d6 result:
Heavy Snow

The snow is several feet deep, making it very difficult indeed to run up and punch someone! When a player performs a Block action as part of a Blitz action (but not on its own), their Strength characteristic is reduced by 1 when comparing their Strength against the Strength of the target of the Block action.

2d6 result:

Freezing conditions and heavy falls of snow make the footing treacherous. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.

2d6 result:
Bubbling up from Below

The players are aghast as viscous liquid begins to seep up from below. Whether this is a natural phenomenon, the result of sabotage or a dire warning that stadia have no place being built above sewage pipes, it’s definitely not pleasant. All players on the pitch subtract 1 from their MA.

2d6 result:

The torches are in need of replacing, and the shadows are growing long. All Long pass and Long bomb Pass actions suffer an additional -1 modifier. Additionally, when a player attempts to Rush for a second or subsequent time during their activation, apply an additional -1 modifier.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

The light of the sun might be missing, but the conditions are almost perfect for Blood Bowl.

2d6 result:
Thermal Geysers

Vapour begins to whistle up from cracks in the ground, followed by forceful gouts of roiling steam. If a player on your team Falls Over or is Knocked Down, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, they crack open a thermal geyser. That player is immediately catapulted through the air. Immediately treat that player as being thrown (as if they had the Right Stuff trait) by another player (with the Throw Team-mate trait), and treat the quality of the throw as terrible.

2d6 result:
Seismic Activity

“Uh oh… was that a tremor?” Roll a D6 at the end of each team turn, adding 1 to the result for each player on the pitch with a Strength of 5 or more. On a roll of 6+, rocks tumble down from up above. Both coaches roll off. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch. That player is struck by a falling rock and Knocked Down. If the roll-off results in a tie, do not roll again. Instead, both coaches must randomly select a player to be struck by a falling rock.

2d6 result:
Praise the Sun Gods

The sun beats down upon the jungle canopy, turning the air below into a furnace and turning the ground to rock! If a player Falls Over whilst Rushing, apply a +1 modifier to the Armour roll. Additionally, apply all of the Heat Wave weather condition rules as well.

2d6 result:
Heat Wave

A glorious day, but as the heat begins to rise, it becomes harder for players to push themselves. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Players also find it harder to get motivated and get back on the pitch. Additionally, during Step 2 of the End of Drive sequence, apply a -1 modifier when rolling to see if any player in the Knockedout box recovers.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s muggy and the mosquitos are out, but otherwise it’s perfect Blood Bowl weather.

2d6 result:
Jungle Showers

It’s raining those big, fat jungle raindrops, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to pick up or catch the ball, or whenever a player attempts to interfere with a pass.

2d6 result:
Tropical Monsoon

Sheets of rain pour through the tree canopy creating a wall of water, the ground becomes boggy and visibility is severely reduced. While the monsoon persists, only Quick pass or Short pass actions can be attempted and the number of squares a player can attempt to Rush is reduced by one (to a minimum of 1).

2d6 result:
Angry Locals

An angry mob of locals has arrived at the stadium looking for the town Necromancer. Unable to find the fiend, they decide he’s disguised himself as one of the players! Both coaches roll off. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch. That player is immediately removed from the pitch and placed in the Reserves box, where they will hide until the end of the game, or until this weather condition is replaced by another. If the roll-off results in a tie, do not roll again. Instead, both coaches must randomly select a player to hide from the locals. If this weather condition is rolled again, this process is repeated; the locals are nothing if not generous in their misplaced suspicion of the players!

2d6 result:

A real pea-souper has descended, reducing visibility to almost nothing! While the fog persists, only Quick pass or Short pass actions can be attempted and the number of squares a player can attempt to Rush is reduced by one (to a minimum of 1). Additionally, the referee is far less likely to spot any foul play that occurs. Whilst this weather condition is in effect, players cannot be Sent-off for committing a Foul, even if they roll a natural double on either the Armour roll or the Injury roll.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s a bit gloomy, and there’s a strong suggestion of faint voices whispering too quietly to be heard, but otherwise it’s perfect Blood Bowl weather.

2d6 result:
Pouring Rain

A torrential downpour leaves the players soaked and the ball very slippery! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass.

2d6 result:

Thunder rumbles and the night sky is lit up by regular lightning strikes. At the end of every team turn, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, a single randomly selected player on the active team is struck by lightning and immediately Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by lightning, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.

2d6 result:

The ground is constantly shaking and shuddering. At the end of every team turn, roll a D6 for each Standing player on the active team that is currently on the pitch. On a roll of 1, that player loses their balance and is Placed Prone.

2d6 result:
Pouring Rain

A torrential downpour leaves the players soaked and the ball very slippery! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s not quite warm but then again, it’s not quite cold – ideal weather for a game of Blood Bowl!

2d6 result:
Lava Bombs

A local volcano is erupting a bit, causing lumps of volcanic rock to rain down for miles around. Whilst this weather condition is in effect, all players are considered to have the Bone Head trait – representing them constantly looking skyward to avoid being struck by unexpected lumps of falling rock.

2d6 result:
Strong Winds

If it wasn’t for the winds, it would be a lovely day. The ball does not deviate normally. Instead, after placing the kick, the coach of the kicking team rolls a D8 to determine the direction in which the wind is blowing:

  • 1-2 Towards the kicking team’s End Zone.
  • 3-4 Towards the receiving team’s End Zone.
  • 5-6 Towards the Sideline to the left of the kicking team.
  • 7-8 Towards the Sideline to the right of the kicking team.

Next, place the Throw-in template over the square in which the kick was placed, with the central arrow (3-4) pointing in the direction in which the wind is blowing. The kick then deviates in a direction determined by rolling a D6 and referring to the Throw-in template. Additionally, the number of squares the ball moves is determined by rolling a D8, rather than a D6.

2d6 result:
Gale Force Winds

The wind is unbelievably strong, making passing play impossible and even affecting the kick-off! Whilst this weather condition is in effect, ignore Step 2 of the Start of Drive sequence – it is not possible for a kick-off to be resolved and a touchback is automatically caused instead. Additionally, whilst this weather condition is in effect, no Pass actions or Throw Team-mate actions can be performed.

2d6 result:
Very Sunny

A glorious day, but the clear skies and bright sunlight interfere with the passing game! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s rather chilly and it’s threatening to rain (or snow), but considering the time of year, the conditions are almost perfect for Blood Bowl.

2d6 result:

Freezing conditions and heavy falls of snow make the footing treacherous. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.

2d6 result:
Ice Storm

It is extremely cold, so cold in fact that it is raining literal lumps of ice! The ice on the pitch is so treacherous that none of the players are willing to hurry, no matter how much their coach shouts! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, all players on the pitch subtract 1 from their MA.

2d6 result:
Gale Force Winds

The wind is unbelievably strong, making passing play impossible and even affecting the kick-off! Whilst this weather condition is in effect, ignore Step 2 of the Start of Drive sequence – it is not possible for a kick-off to be resolved and a touchback is automatically caused instead. Additionally, whilst this weather condition is in effect, no Pass actions or Throw Team-mate actions can be performed.

2d6 result:
Strong Winds

If it wasn’t for the winds, it would be a lovely day. The ball does not deviate normally. Instead, after placing the kick, the coach of the kicking team rolls a D8 to determine the direction in which the wind is blowing:

  • 1-2 Towards the kicking team’s End Zone.
  • 3-4 Towards the receiving team’s End Zone.
  • 5-6 Towards the Sideline to the left of the kicking team.
  • 7-8 Towards the Sideline to the right of the kicking team.

Next, place the Throw-in template over the square in which the kick was placed, with the central arrow (3-4) pointing in the direction in which the wind is blowing. The kick then deviates in a direction determined by rolling a D6 and referring to the Throw-in template. Additionally, the number of squares the ball moves is determined by rolling a D8, rather than a D6.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

Neither too cold nor too hot. A warm, dry and slightly overcast day provides perfect conditions for Blood Bowl.

2d6 result:
Torrential Rain

A torrential downpour is making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted. Finally, all players on the pitch subtract 1 from their MA. However, such extreme downpours seldom last long. During the End of Drive sequence, after Step 2 but before Step 3, roll again on the Weather table.

2d6 result:

Freezing conditions and heavy falls of snow make the footing treacherous. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.

2d6 result:
Sweltering Heat

Some players faint in the unbearable heat! D3 randomly selected players from each team that are on the pitch when a drive ends are placed in the Reserves box. They must miss the next drive.

2d6 result:
Verry Sunny

A glorious day, but the clear skies and bright sunlight interfere with the passing game! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability.

2d6 result:
Perfect Conditions (well, almost)

It’s still hot, but it is bearable! Hot and dry but with a sufficient breeze to take the edge off makes for ideal Blood Bowl conditions.

2d6 result:
Strong Winds

If it wasn’t for the winds, it would be a lovely day. The ball does not deviate normally. Instead, after placing the kick, the coach of the kicking team rolls a D8 to determine the direction in which the wind is blowing:

  • 1-2 Towards the kicking team’s End Zone.
  • 3-4 Towards the receiving team’s End Zone.
  • 5-6 Towards the Sideline to the left of the kicking team.
  • 7-8 Towards the Sideline to the right of the kicking team.

Next, place the Throw-in template over the square in which the kick was placed, with the central arrow (3-4) pointing in the direction in which the wind is blowing. The kick then deviates in a direction determined by rolling a D6 and referring to the Throw-in template. Additionally, the number of squares the ball moves is determined by rolling a D8, rather than a D6.

2d6 result:

The shifting sands have been stirred up into a violent sandstorm and visibility is severely affected. Whilst this weather condition is in effect, no Pass actions or Throw Team-mate actions can be performed, and no player can attempt to Rush. Additionally, the referee has retreated indoors and isn’t bothering to even pretend they’re keeping an eye on the action! Whilst this weather condition is in effect, players cannot be Sent-off for committing a Foul, even if they roll a natural double on either the Armour roll or the Injury roll.

2d6 result:
Tropical Storm

A typhoon has made its way into the area, bending trees and disrupting the match with a powerful gale. While this weather condition is in effect, ignore Step 2 of the Start of Drive sequence - it is not possible for a kick-off to be resolved and a touchback is automatically caused instead. Additionally, while this weather condition is in effect, no Pass actions or Throw Team-mate actions can be performed

2d6 result:
Sudden Downpour

The heavens have opened! The players are soaked to the bone and the ball is very slippery! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick-up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.

2d6 result:
Cool Breeze

A gentle wind has stifled the humidity for the time being; it's perfect weather for Blood Bowl!

2d6 result:
Sunny Spell

The sun is shining and it's playing havoc on the passing game! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability

2d6 result:
Hellish Humidity

The heat and humidity is really starting to get to some of the players; they are dropping like Halflings after a picnic! At the end of every team turn, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, a single randomly selected player on the active team succumbs to the oppressive heat and is Placed Prone.